
Crystal iDyllic

A Statement of Luxury and Innovation

A fully transparent grand piano for those with discerning taste and a love of luxury. Crystal edition elegance fully transparent grand piano: supporting beams, inner and outer rims, key bed, legs, music stand, fall board and main lid. All wooden structures with the exception of the soundboard turned into crystal clear acrylic. Frame and soundboard color selection applicable.

Dimensions & Specifications

Model 111.54m / 5’1″1.52m / 5’0″
Model 101.66m / 5’5″1.52m / 5’0″
Model 91.75m / 5’8″1.52m / 5’0″
Model 61.90m / 6’3″1.52m / 5’0″
Model 42.10m / 6’10”1.54m / 5’1″
Model 22.38m / 7’8″1.54m / 5’1″
Model 12.80m / 9’2″1.60m / 6’3″

An elegant work of art

Blüthner Crystal Piano embodies transparent glass sculptured Haute Couture Grand Piano Design. Refined luxury, contemporary and futuristic elegance escorted by the unsurpassed Blüthner´s Pianoforte Golden Tone. Exceptional customized variations will make Blüthner Crystal Piano elegant instrument enhance the interior decoration of any mega yacht, residence or hotel.


The piano is made to order in the colour and metallic finish of your choice — the examples shown here are for your inspiration.

Black / Gold

White / Rose Gold


Green / Gold

Black / Silver

White / Silver


White / Rose Gold


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Blüthner Crystal Piano embodies transparent glass sculptured Haute Couture Grand Piano Design. Refined luxury, contemporary and futuristic elegance escorted by the unsurpassed Blüthner´s Pianoforte Golden Tone. Exceptional customized variations will make Blüthner Crystal Piano elegant instrument enhance the interior decoration of any mega yacht, residence or hotel.


For Any Purchase, Rental Or Service Enquiries, Please Contact Us We Will Be Happy To Hear From You

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